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Nyssa's Reading Life

I like books. Well-written books, which generally excludes most YA (sorry, everybody). I edit literary fiction in my spare time, and I eat up books with great prose and no pretentiousness. I also love good speculative fiction and frequently read classics.

Currently reading

The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You 1st (first) edition by Pariser, Eli published by Penguin Press HC, The (2011) [Hardcover]
Progress: 131/243 pages

Poison Study

Poison Study - More like 1.5 stars, but my gosh, this book was sloppy. So many different and unrelated elements to the story, a grievous misunderstanding of the difference between show and tell, and several characters built solely on tropes or basic wish fulfillment. And the gender bending stuff was completely unnecessary and comically separate from the rest of the story. No bueno.